Cliky clik it ! :D

Friday, October 16, 2009

New dress!

Guess what erybody!

Mommy just came back from Bangkok last night and she bought me two dresses!

and since i was so bored, i wore one of it and SS-ed in mah room =D

huhu, i love this dress.
I don't really have many dresses and this is only the second time i SS in a dress.
So hope you don't mind for more pictures ! =D

hahahah! wheee! Hope you didn't die after all those.
I bet Sam would.

Well today, today is a boring day.
Went to summit in the evening with bro and dad and i saw LG Crystal!!
OMG i want that phone =( it's so cool. haha.

The keypads are transparent.
It's made of tempered glass and lights up around the edges with bluish-white light.
cool huh ?

Not only that, it also has an 8 MP camera!!
Good for ppl like me who likes to SS =D

The most chio thing is, you can pour crystals in it! Just like how Xia Xue , a famous Singaporean blogger, did it.

Chun right ?!

pictures taken from her blog btw.

Hopefully I can get one too! =)

I had so many dreams about you and me, happy ending, now I know.


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