Cliky clik it ! :D

Monday, January 11, 2010

All that I want is to hold you so close.


Blogger got some problem cannot add images so too bad lah you see words only.

Today in school was just the same as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary except for the fact that we studied nothing but science only. Aiyoo, why must it be science.
After assembly we had Mesyuarat Agung for Rumah Sukan till around 9.30. It was Geography that time but Pn. Lijah didn't show up. Went for reccess then.
After that was science.. and after science, had PMD (program maju diri) for an hour and a half.
Bell rang and then school ended.

Since it was after school, went for COH meeting and guessss what. I THINK i left my textbooks there OMG. I hope someone bring it back with them.
I'm seriously not hoping for "Siapa Leong Yee Ling ? Sila datang ambil buku teks kamu selepas perhimpunan" , the next morning.

You know, I think that last year i've been making fun of Rahman too much cause it seems that this year he became my class teacher, art teacher and green house teacher too. but it's okay. i LIKE.

I also think that i've been reading too much of 'Diaries of a Wimpy Kid' because i am starting to sound like that kid Greg which is the main character of the story. but it's okay. i like sounding like him cause he cracks me up with the, "everybody knows moose and humans come from the same species which are birds".

okay i go now k bye.


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