Cliky clik it ! :D

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Just a random Saturday.

Hi, this is my first time using the mirror effect, am I doing this right?

Today I woke up pretty early, like 10am! It's a great achievement for me considering I've been waking up at around 3pm the past week!
It's not that I've been sleeping for a long time, it's just that I have trouble sleeping at night and so I end up sleeping about 5-6am.. The same for last night! But last night was a little different because I got to sleep while skyping with my boyfriend, Leonard and it was really comforting!

I actually planned to jog as I awaken but I felt lethargic and so I just jumped around my room as exercise (It counts!!!). Then, I stormed into my parents room(as I always do) and asked what's for brunch. Mommy said she wanted to go to Main place to shop for groceries and she was gonna prepare a Halloween themed dinner!
So we went there to eat at Fish&Co and then went grocery shopping!

After that, went home and played with my rabbit, Stewie, for a bit and bummed around the house.
I helped my mom with the eyeballs for the soup and the sauce for the creepy hand!

The creepy hand! Made by mommy

Eyeball soup!

(I did not manage to dine at home because the food wasn't ready when I had to go out. But it's okay! I'm fine with leftovers :D)

Soon later it was alrdy approaching dinner time which I alrdy had made plans to go out with 2 friends of mine, Shyan Le and Khang Chee (we were interns) to our friend's house but at last minute, the plan did not work out so we decided to head on to just dine and go to meeples.

During the car ride, KC had this exciting idea to bring us to Publika to dine at The Red Beanbag.
We took the wrong turn and all but still made it and dinner was great!

Halloween themed. Photo stolen from KC :D

I ordered the Portobello&Pancakes. It had poached eggs, rockets, tomatoes, if i'm not mistaken it's salsa. It was satisfying!

Portobello & Pancakes

We headed to Wonder Milk as well to satiate our sweet tooth!
We tried out their Butterscotch milk, cold and it was really good! Imagine having one that is hot on a cold rainy day and watching a movie, all cuddled up in the bed, blankets and pillows. YUMM!

From top left to right - butterscotch, smores, cookies and cream.
From bottom left to right - oh my chocolate, smores, rocky road.

We then decided to crash at my place to play the Kinect! Unfortunately there is no footage of us doing so because we were busy jumping around and having fun! We played Rise of Nightmares and Dance Central, ate our cupcakes and they left about 12.

Now I'm skyping with Leonard again while typing all of this! Hopefully for tomorrow, my jogging plan works out.
I've been wanting to blog about my tea collection, maybe that'll be my next post! (Initially wanted to blog about cosplay but I still want to collect more pictures!)
This will be the end for now.

See you soon!

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